Light splint for the correction of laxity-vulsion of the knee.
The thigh-shin sections are externally lined with polypropylene.
Internally, it has removable and non-slip foam adhesive linings.
The four, non-elastic straps (two femoral and two tibial) stabilize the splint in the correct position with plastic clips.
It has an adjustment mechanism in the thigh section.
Unloads the medial space of the knee joint (inside-outside) up to 15° of pathological angulation with a special "allen" key.
Two tuber protection foam pads.
By removing the protective pads (with the help of a screwdriver) the flexion-extension range of motion can also be adjusted in intervals: 0° - 10° - 20° - 30° - 40° - 45° - 60° - 75° - 90° .
VULNERABILITY: Position of polycentric mechanism internally.
FASTNESS: Location of polycentric mechanism externally
Available in left and right.
One size
Conservative rehabilitation in knee osteoarthritis
COLLECTION FROM THE STORE Before visiting the store, first find out by phone about the availability of the product you are interested in. Opening hours: Monday: 09:00 - 17:00, Tuesday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 & Saturday 10:00 - 14:00