In cases of amputations, such as a hip dislocation or a hemipelvectomy, the construction of the prosthesis is particularly demanding, because we have to deal with patients with highly asymmetric weight and severely impaired proprioception.
Therefore, we construct a large and at the same time comfortable socket, which will restore three major joints
- hip
- knee
- ankle
This large and comfortable socket provides walking balance and security for the patient.
In hip dislocation amputations, our target is to support the socket in the ischiadic tuber of the amputated side and pressures on both sides of the pelvis.
In the case of a hemipelvectomy, we seek to support the socket with a sub-ankle fundament in the contra lateral hip and pressure on the opposite side.
In both cases, the configuration of the case is critical in order to prevent injuries of the stump and so that the patient can walk with proper balance of forces.
Mrs. Petra Kalampoka #kal_petra
Watch the very interesting interview that Petra Kalaboka gave to MEGA'S show about fighting cancer and the decision to amputate her leg. Her optimistic message and her "rebirth" ...
The first electronic hip joint from our company
Chronooulos prosthetists are certified by Otto-Bock for the application of the most advanced hip joint and hemielectomy, called Helix 3D Hip Joint System. It is the first prosthetic hip joint in the world, which is compatible with the electronic knee joint and allows the patient a more symmetrical and natural gait.

For more information regarding Helix 3D Hip Joint System read here.