Gait training for lower limb amputees
For the normal gait of a patient, the successful construction of an artificial limb is not enough. It is important to train the patient from the beginning, in a disciplined gait with the prosthesis. Exercises are considered necessary for the following reasons:
- Maintaining or improving muscle condition
- Maintain full mobility of the remaining limb
- Reduction of postoperative edema
- Shaping of the stump
Often, the necessary attention is not paid to the patient's gait training, resulting in a gait with great limitations, which converges quite from normal. The training presupposes exercises of susceptibility and balance, for the empowerment and flexibility of the patient.
Initially, we ask the patient to lean on a pair of scales, pressing on both legs. It is a great challenge for every patient to be able to re-trust his amputated leg, to put loads on the artificial limb. If he succeeds in controlling his weight, on the intention, he will be able to slowly regain his balance.
He starts by taking small and steady steps, supported, but always by the bars. Slow steps in the right way will gradually increase mobility levels. Then he uses walking aids, until he feels ready and walks free. The walkers (bacteria, tripod, quadruped) are always used, on the opposite side of the prosthesis and move parallel to it.
When the patient leaves the aid, for the first time, it is necessary to be supervised by someone, in case he loses his balance. Supported, the patient feels safe, has better balance and is encouraged.
Finally, the patient needs to do a lot of practice on his own, in safe and familiar environments (home, work) for him. It is important that the spaces are adapted to the needs of the patient, thus facilitating his safe gait. Gait training is characterized as an individualized program for each patient, which will be informed by the rehabilitation consultants of our company.
For the training exercises click here.