The purpose of a femoro-tibial-ankle brace is to provide support to the lower limb, from the middle of the femoral bone to the pelma, while maintaining the total functionality and the range of motion of the joints included. In CRC the braces are manufactured individually, in order to be perfectly adapted to the need of each patient, having as a main concern the creation of a functional and comfortable orthotic device. There are numerous choices in terms of materials and several types of joints that make up such devices and they are determined by examination and evaluation of the patient. The materials are hypoallergenic made of carbon fibers, resins, thermoplastics, all last-generation CE labeled materials. Our target is to improve the mobility of the patient with main care the safe stance and gait.
The basic types of femoro-tibial-ankle braces with knee joints are the following:
- Safe joint
- Ελεύθερη άρθρωση
- Free joint
- Polycentric joint
- Interminable cochlear joint
- Joint with rear pivot
- Electronic joint